Author: pedropixel

  • Exploring Exotic Fish of the Galapagos Islands

    Exploring Exotic Fish of the Galapagos Islands

    Known for their distinct and varied ecosystems, the volcanic islands of the Pacific Ocean are called the Galapagos Islands. Notable for their influence on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the islands are a component of Ecuador. Numerous different types of wildlife can be found in the surrounding waters and on land in the Galapagos Islands.…

  • Exploring the Charles Darwin Research Station

    Exploring the Charles Darwin Research Station

    Situated off the coast of Ecuador on the Galapagos Islands is the world-famous Charles Darwin Research Station. The research station, named after the renowned naturalist Charles Darwin, is devoted to the preservation & investigation of the distinctive flora and fauna of the Galapagos islands. For scientists, researchers, & conservationists interested in learning about and protecting…

  • Exploring Tortuga Bay: A Galapagos Paradise

    Exploring Tortuga Bay: A Galapagos Paradise

    Located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos Islands, Tortuga Bay is an incredibly picturesque beach. The bay is called Turtle Bay because of the sea turtles that often visit its shores; the word “turtle” comes from the Spanish word “tortuga.”. Both nature lovers and thrill seekers will find paradise on this immaculate stretch of…

  • Exploring Puerto Baquerizo Moreno: Galapagos Island Gem

    Exploring Puerto Baquerizo Moreno: Galapagos Island Gem

    Situated on the island of San Cristóbal, Ecuador, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno serves as the capital of the Galápagos Province. It is the second-most populous town in the archipelago of the Galápagos and a major center of trade and tourism in the area. Named after the former president of Ecuador, Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno, the town is…

  • Local crafts from the Galapagos Islands: Tradition and Beauty.

    Local crafts from the Galapagos Islands: Tradition and Beauty.

    The Galapagos Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean, are known for their rich biodiversity and unique history. However, they also have a craft history that has evolved over the years. In this article, we will explore the artisanal history of the Galapagos Islands, the techniques and materials used in local crafts, the influence of biodiversity…

  • Crucero Alya: Explorando la Belleza de Galápagos

    Crucero Alya: Explorando la Belleza de Galápagos

    Galápagos es un archipiélago ubicado en el océano Pacífico, a aproximadamente 1,000 kilómetros de la costa de Ecuador. Este lugar es conocido por su increíble biodiversidad y por ser el hogar de especies únicas que no se encuentran en ningún otro lugar del mundo. Uno de los mejores modos de explorar Galápagos es a bordo…

  • Endemic species of the Galapagos

    Endemic species of the Galapagos

    The Galapagos Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean, are known for their rich biodiversity and their importance in the history of biology. These islands are famous for being the place where Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution by natural selection. One of the most notable characteristics of the Galapagos is the presence of numerous…

  • The Era of Whale Hunters in the Galapagos

    The Era of Whale Hunters in the Galapagos

    One of the darkest and most devastating episodes was the Age of the Whalers, a period in which these majestic sea creatures were hunted mercilessly in the surrounding waters. This article explores this dark chapter and highlights its impact on marine conservation and the changing perspective towards wildlife protection. The Rise of Whaling In the…

  • Legends and Myths of the Galapagos Islands

    Legends and Myths of the Galapagos Islands

    The Galapagos Islands, a volcanic archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador, are known throughout the world for their amazing biodiversity and their crucial role in the history of science, thanks to Charles Darwin’s research on evolution. . However, beyond their scientific fame, these islands are shrouded in a layer of…

  • Exploring the Enigmatic Galápagos Islands

    Exploring the Enigmatic Galápagos Islands

    The Galapagos Islands, known for their uniqueness and natural beauty, are home to diverse ecosystems that have captivated scientists and nature lovers from around the world. This archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean and belonging to Ecuador, stands out for its rich biodiversity and its iconic giant turtles, which have been key in the evolution…